
Be curious, not judgemental.

Why The Cosmopolite

Originating from a chat with my mother when I was setting up my social media accounts more than a decade ago, I wanted to tap into her creative genius to find a way to describe myself and how it is that I travel. Coming from humble beginnings I was as far from a luxury traveler as one could be, but I always had a penchant for fashion and sophisticated styling. However, my travel persona was less about heels and more about hiking boots. I was already living in my third country at the time and had always made a diligent effort to integrate myself wherever I was. Striking the balance between style and substance she suggested “cosmopolite”, the word itself conjuring the idea of big city style, while its definition was more about the diversity of spirit and experience. And with that The Cosmopolite was born – long before the blog itself became a reality. 

My mother passed away in 2018 and in the time since the name has come to be even more precious. Representing not only the creativity that she passed along to me, but a reflection of the worldy person I hope she was able to see me evolve into. 

Some milestones of my journeys…

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0 countries
0 continents

Some milestones of my journeys

0+ km
0 countries
0 continents

The person behind the brand

The person behind the brand

Hailing from Southern California, I moved to Boston at 18 years old and London at age 20 – and never looked back. In the years since I have lived in Cape Town, South Africa and have called Copenhagen, Denmark home for over a decade. I originally set out to document my adventures in 2012, but life happened and visas, moving, a Masters degree, and job hunting a plenty took precedent. Now with over 15 years of solo traveling across 40 countries on 5 continents I decided it was time to share my advice and experiences.

As much as I love to take advantage of the ease of weekend city trips across the European continent, it’s my love of the weird and wild off-the-beaten-path journeys that truly own my heart. Ever been abandoned at the Equator in Uganda when your driver was arrested by the police? I have. How about navigated transport in a violent political coup in Peru? That was my Christmas 2022. What about being stalked by a shark while surfing in South Africa? Well, that’s not quite the whole story, but you’ll just have to keep reading to find out.

For me, The Cosmopolite is not about how to survive while traveling, it’s about how to thrive.

Where I’ve been

Living life around the world